Real Confidence

Real Confidence

Hosted by: Alyssa Dver

Real confidence isn't situational or temporary. It's a learned skill that anyone can master at any time. Join host Alyssa Dver, CEO of The American Confidence Institute, 7-time author, 2-time TEDx and empowering...

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EP 71: Real Confidence- The Confidence to be Your Best

Any St. Jerome fans here? Saint who, you’re probably thinking but you may be familiar with some famous words of his:  Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.  But...
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EP 70: Real Confidence- Confidently Dealing with Someone Who Intimidates You

Relatives, friends, strangers, colleagues, bosses, store clerks, customer support reps. People who intimidate us come in all shapes and disguises. And it doesn’t matter if they’re in a position of authority or sitting...
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EP 69: Real Confidence- Confidence is a Choice AND a Habit

One of my favorite things about the podcast is when everything clicks with a guest. That’s what happened when I got together with Rahul Karan Sharma, author of Habits 4 Miracles, to talk about how we can leverage the...
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EP 68: Real Confidence- What’s in a Word?

Irving Berlin is known for saying “Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it.” The same could be said for words, although how we take them – their impact on us or others – is probably closer...
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EP 67: Real Confidence- The Confidence to Get Unstuck When Life Really Does Suck with Special Guest CK Collins

I’d say every 10th podcast pitch or so I get is from somebody who uses the word “unstuck”. They want to help the world and people to get unstuck. It’s noble and for some, you might say a calling, but it’s talked about...
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EP 66: Real Confidence- 5 Phrases that Crush Confidence

I’m going to call BS on something we probably all heard as kids: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.  I know we were all taught this rhyme to shut bullies up, but words do matter, and we...
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EP 65: Real Confidence- Live Confidence Coaching with Eti Moskowitz

There’s a certain magic that happens when we coach someone on confidence at the Institute. We experience it regularly in our coaching certification practica and in our Pitch workshops and even informally, in casual...
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EP 64: Real Confidence- How to Confidently Ask for Help

In talking with a friend recently, I was stunned when she told me she was totally overwhelmed but was completely uncomfortable asking for help.  I was like, what? I guess because I ask for help all the time and it...
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EP 63: Real Confidence- Connecting with Confidence with Special Guest Michelle Tillis Lederman

I was taught to schmooze. You know what I mean, even if you don’t speak Yiddish: I can walk into any room, anywhere and strike up a conversation with anyone about anything.  Sometimes those conversations turn out to...
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EP 62: Real Confidence- How I Confidently Overcome Overwhelm

Overwhelmed. Who doesn’t feel these days, right? This feeling of not knowing where to start, where to focus - or sometimes not even being able to focus at all - is a real confidence killer.  Why? Because when we have...
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EP 61: Real Confidence- The Psychedelic Confidence Connection with Special Guest Sherry Rais

Nope. You are not tripping or hallucinating. We ARE talking about acid, ‘shrooms, and other forms of psychoactive drugs. I think psychedelics are a very underrepresented topic but rapidly gaining ‘speed’. First,...
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EP 60: Real Confidence- How to Tell Someone They Hurt You

I've been an Elton John fan for almost 50 years and my favorite song in his massive catalog is “Sorry, seems to be the Hardest Word.” But as much as I love Elton and that song, I'm going to say that I'm not sure he’s...
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