Real Confidence

Real Confidence

Hosted by: Alyssa Dver

Real confidence isn't situational or temporary. It's a learned skill that anyone can master at any time. Join host Alyssa Dver, CEO of The American Confidence Institute, 7-time author, 2-time TEDx and empowering...

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EP 83: Real Confidence- A Journey to Real Confidence

A Journey to Real Confidence In this episode, I'm sitting down with John Lawyer, and let me tell you, his story is one you won't want to miss. We're diving deep into his journey from serving in combat zones to facing...
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EP 82: Real Confidence- The Confidence to Change Careers

It's a tale as old as time—people waking up one day, 10, 20, or 30 years into their career, wondering "what if?" What if they had made different decisions? What if they had pursued that passion they buried deep down?...
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EP 81: Real Confidence- Confidence After Setbacks

There are so many trite phrases that get tossed around when life is hard. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” “This too shall pass.” “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” “Life doesn’t give you...
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EP 80: Real Confidence- Body Talk: Decoding the Signals of Real Confidence

You may already know that I hate the phrase “fake it ‘til you make it”. You can’t just fake confidence and expect it to stick. You can be dressed to the nines and runway-ready, but if you’re not feeling it, if you’re...
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EP 79: Real Confidence- How to Confidently Interview for that Job

How to Confidently Interview for that Job If public speaking is the #1 thing that rattles people’s confidence, then interviewing for a job has got to be a close second.  It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the...
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EP 78: Real Confidence- Hey, Drama Junkie: Stop Creating Unnecessary Stress

I don't think anyone would say they want more stress in their life. But most of us create a lot of unnecessary stress for ourselves and other people. I have a friend (who shall remain nameless – maybe you have one...
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EP 77: Real Confidence- Confidence in the Face of Adversity

Friends, I am still reeling from my conversation with Rebecca Yang ,my guest for this episode of Real Confidence. Wow. I mean, talk about an absolute powerhouse of a human being (not to mention being a skilled...
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EP 76: Real Confidence- Confidently Navigating the Hug Highway

To hug or not to hug? That is the question for a lot of people. Recently I was thinking about the later days of the pandemic, going to a couple of conferences when we were still wearing masks and sitting six feet...
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EP 75: Real Confidence- The Self-reliant Path to Confidence

Ever wonder which episode or season you’d make it to if you were a character in The Walking Dead? How you’d protect yourself, find shelter, get food? Whom you could trust? What about whether you could trust yourself...
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EP 74: Real Confidence- Burned Out Or Just Bored

Listen, life is A LOT and has been for the last four years. I’ll be the first one to tell you that what we lived through changed not how we lived, but how we experienced our lives. We’re not going back to before....
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EP 73: Real Confidence- Confidence in a Crisis

The human brain is a marvelous thing. All day long it’s tasked with protecting us from anything it perceives as a threat, and it takes that job seriously.  So seriously, in fact, that it actually can’t discern the...
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EP 72: Real Confidence- Can Guilt be Good?

A lot of people ask me what the opposite of confidence is. On some level I think they already know the answer isn’t insecurity or a lack of self-esteem otherwise why ask the question.  And they’re right. The opposite...
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