EP 61: Real Confidence- The Psychedelic Confidence Connection with Special Guest Sherry Rais

Nope. You are not tripping or hallucinating. We ARE talking about acid, ‘shrooms, and other forms of psychoactive drugs.

I think psychedelics are a very underrepresented topic but rapidly gaining ‘speed’. First, because psychedelics were politically shamed back in the 60s despite the scientific evidence they can really help mental illness. We were all told to ‘just say no’ with no scientific data but many myths used to scare us. Second, microdosing is today on trend being used to improve individual focus and innovation.

I am personally curious about psychedelics because there are studies that confirm psychedelics can help prune unnecessary or false neural pathways that trigger destructive beliefs and behaviors (including addiction).  And when safely administered, psychedelics appear to generate new connections and rationalize beliefs by opening someone’s mind to learn and grow - yep, my fav neuro-word: neuroplasticity!

And while I have long advocated that we can all “choose to change our brains”, I had been more plugged into the assistive tech than considering anything organic.

Check out this episode to increase your psychedelic awareness and confidence.

Please note that neither Alyssa or ACI is not advocating the use of psychedelics.  If you are interested in using them, please consult a qualified medical professional.

Sherry Rais is the co-founder and CEO of Enthea, a mental health company dedicated to providing access to safe and affordable psychedelic-assisted therapy. You can learn more about Enthea and Sherry at enthea.com.