EP 54: Real Confidence- Confidence After a Screw Up


  • None of us is perfect.
  • All of us will put our foot in our mouths at some point.
  • We can be mentally prepared for any situation and things can still go sideways
  • Sometimes all of those things will happen in public

And friends, all of those things came together for me not long ago. A client brought me in to do a workshop for a select group of people and not only did I BOMB but some things that came out of my mouth in what turned out to be a high-pressure situation are ones I wholly regret. 

Knowing you screwed up is horrible but what’s worse is when the people you did it in front of come at you with daggers in their eyes and tell you the damage you did is beyond words (clearly it wasn’t, because the client had plenty of words to share). 

It doesn’t matter that I built a career on confidence or how much brain science I’ve studied and put into practice, I left that workshop questioning everything and to be honest, in a little bit of panic about losing this partnership might mean because it played a key role in another business I run and it impacted revenue.



  • I am a human being.
  • I screw up. 
  • Being human isn’t “a condition”, it’s a blessing that reminds us that guess what: the person ranting and raving at us has screwed up at some point, too.