Ep 18: Real Confidence- Yay Me! But No One Cares

Yay, me! But No One Cares.

Picture this: you’ve just done something hard. Remarkable. Personally or professionally meaningful. You nailed it and you want the world to know.

You post it on your social media channels, text your friends and family and … mostly crickets. 

Now, your feelings of pride and accomplishment are replaced by disappointment and underneath that, some notes of insignificance or rejection.

Don’t worry – you’re not an egomaniac. This is a totally normal response when our level of enthusiasm isn’t matched by the world around us. 


In this episode of Real Confidence, I share my own my experience and talk about:

  • Why we feel the way we feel when it appears no one cares
  • How the perception that we don’t matter impacts our confidence even though we KNOW we did something awesome
  • Why celebrating ourselves is as important as being celebrated
  • How we can all be the person who makes the difference in someone else’s life