Real Confidence Blog

Science, Secrets & a Touch of Tough Love

Your Brain Will Be Grateful

“Say ‘Thank You’,” you were told time and time again as a kid. Your parents just wanted you to be polite, but it turns out there’s actually a lot more to gratitude than just good manners.  

Building a practice of gratitude has been linked to ...

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Liar, Liar, Posts on Fire

Every time I see friends comment “I see from your social posts that you’re doing great and very busy“, I’m flattered and disappointed at the same time.

Shame on both of us. I admittedly only post brag-worthy stuff. Who doesn’t? My friends seemingly assume...

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The Cost of Being Overwhelmed

Ever drive somewhere and realize you somehow got there without really paying attention to the road the entire time?  It’s because you’re distracted at least and more likely overwhelmed.

Being overwhelmed hijacks everyone’s executive functioning, denying us presence...

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Confidence and Constructive Criticism

Criticism can cut, though some people have higher pain tolerances. But if you don’t consider yourself good at taking feedback, there’s hope.  Receiving constructive criticism is a learnable skill that perhaps ironically, builds confidence.

Why feedback hurts:

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Tornados – Mother Nature’s and Mine

The tornado watch thankfully just ended. At least the one outside.

With cell phone alarms and TV warnings that it was headed right for my neighborhood, I went into a doomsday scenario: what if our house is leveled? What can’t I replace?  What would be a pain to replace? ...

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