Real Confidence Blog

Science, Secrets & a Touch of Tough Love

Does Clarity Create Confidence? (or Vice Versa)?

Lacking a life vision or purpose can be at least unsettling. However, if you have a direction that you aren’t completely confident about, that is equally terrifying, perhaps even paralyzing.

For example, do you have a job that you really don’t like – even hate? I bet it...

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Tornados – Mother Nature’s and Mine

The tornado watch thankfully just ended. At least the one outside.

With cell phone alarms and TV warnings that it was headed right for my neighborhood, I went into a doomsday scenario: what if our house is leveled? What can’t I replace?  What would be a pain to replace? ...

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The Success Trinity = IQ + EQ + CQ

For decades, IQ was used as the sole measure of a person’s intelligence and core competencies. But now, people are realizing that IQ isn’t enough alone to succeed. In fact, studies show that it only accounts for about 10 to 20% of your performance. The rest depends on other...

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Enough is Enough

Enough is the most underutilized word in the American-English language. We should use it a lot more since it is key to confidence.

We are a society that fundamentally believes that ‘more is better’. Our socially rigged lens (and relentless social media reminders)...

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