Real Confidence Blog

Science, Secrets & a Touch of Tough Love

Human See, Human Do – Mirror Neurons

Ever hear the phrase, “Monkey see, monkey do”? This is often used to describe the way monkeys (and people) seem to do things without understanding it. What’s interesting is that this phrase accurately describes Giacomo Rizzolatti’s experiment with macaque monkeys in...

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The Success Trinity = IQ + EQ + CQ

For decades, IQ was used as the sole measure of a person’s intelligence and core competencies. But now, people are realizing that IQ isn’t enough alone to succeed. In fact, studies show that it only accounts for about 10 to 20% of your performance. The rest depends on other...

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Confessions from a Former Old School Snob

Maybe it was my hyper-critical New York upbringing or perhaps my competitive Ivy League attitude…whatever the cause, the person I was in college was not nice. I was sour, dour, and altogether arrogant. No denying—I was bitchy – as in an old school-defined snob.

In stark...

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