Real Confidence Blog

Science, Secrets & a Touch of Tough Love

College Bound Confidence โ€“ Ours More Than Theirs

Sure, we want our kids to have consistent confidence – heading to college and always. That’s a topic in itself for another blog at least – maybe even a book. But what about us parents?  We know that the nerves and newness quickly fade behind more relevant memories of all...

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#1 Confidence Impostor: Cocky

Most people try to hide their shortcomings…especially when that shortcoming is a lack of confidence.  However, confidence isn’t something you can fake, and more often, when people try, they wind up overcompensating by being cocky.

“Cocky” is one of the...

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Can confidence and uncertainty coexist?

Confidence is defined in terms of certainty. Often the two words are even conflated: You’re confident you’ll ace that presentation, confident your favorite sports team will win, and you have confidence in people who have proven themselves reliable....

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The (Real) Reason You're Not Applying Yourself

You’ve likely heard this statistic from Hewlett Packard’s internal study: Men apply for jobs when they believe they meet 60% of the qualifications, while women only apply when they are 100% qualified. Once they apply, however, a recent LinkedIn study found...

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Self-Awareness Can Support or Sabotage Confidence

While Self-awareness is closely linked to self-confidence, it can also backfire. Knowing yourself helps you understand your capabilities, values, and desires. To do this, you need to ask yourself the right questions or the process can actually hurt your self-confidence.  


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Why You're Too Tired to be Confident

Should you hit snooze on your alarm clock or get out of bed now? What should you eat for breakfast? Will you take the train or bus to work today? These choices may seem small, but they add up fast: Between all of them (big and small) it’s estimated that we make about 35,000...

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Your Brain-Gut Confidence Connection

Ever…know something in your gut? Get butterflies in your stomach? Feel your stomach turn under pressure? Then you’ve already felt your “brain-gut connection”. But what you might not be aware of is exactly how deep that connection goes…
What is the Brain-Gut...

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Why Are We Attracted to Confidence?


Confidence is attractive, right?

According to most people: yes.

Confidence continuously tops the lists of desirable traits in a romantic partner and was named by Forbes as one of the top three traits employers look for in prospective employees.

But why?

There’s a...

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Does Clarity Create Confidence? (or Vice Versa)?

Lacking a life vision or purpose can be at least unsettling. However, if you have a direction that you aren’t completely confident about, that is equally terrifying, perhaps even paralyzing.

For example, do you have a job that you really don’t like – even hate? I bet it...

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Tornados โ€“ Mother Natureโ€™s and Mine

The tornado watch thankfully just ended. At least the one outside.

With cell phone alarms and TV warnings that it was headed right for my neighborhood, I went into a doomsday scenario: what if our house is leveled? What can’t I replace?  What would be a pain to replace? ...

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The Success Trinity = IQ + EQ + CQ

For decades, IQ was used as the sole measure of a person’s intelligence and core competencies. But now, people are realizing that IQ isn’t enough alone to succeed. In fact, studies show that it only accounts for about 10 to 20% of your performance. The rest depends on other...

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Enough is Enough

Enough is the most underutilized word in the American-English language. We should use it a lot more since it is key to confidence.

We are a society that fundamentally believes that ‘more is better’. Our socially rigged lens (and relentless social media reminders)...

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